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Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology

Degree Requirements

The B.A. in Archaeology requires a minimum of 65 units in the major, with an overall minimum grade of 'C', and no more than 10 units may be taken for pass/no pass credit. The major requirements are divided into six academic components: core, methods and skills: statistics, methods and skills, theory, electives , and capstone. All majors must complete at least one summer field school and enroll in the Senior Capstone course (ARCHLGY 130: Senior Research Seminar for Archaeolgoy Majors & Minors) during their senior year.

A course may only be used once to fulfill a component, and may only be used to fulfill the requirements for one major.

For any questions regarding the Archaeology Major program or to declare, please contact our Student Services Officer. It’s important to declare by the beginning of your junior year.

Steps to Declare:


  1. Meet with the Student Services Officer (SSO): Schedule a meeting to discuss your plans and get guidance.
  2. Submit Declaration Request via Axess: Complete your declaration request online through Axess.
  3. Select a Faculty Advisor or Mentor: Choose a faculty advisor or mentor to support you throughout your studies.

Archaeology Major Academic Components

Core Courses

15 units must be taken for a letter grade (minimum passing grade of 'B')

ARCHLGY 1 Introduction to Archaeology is recommended as a first course. Many upper-level courses in Archaeology require this course as a prerequisite. Students should normally take the capstone course in their final year of coursework in the major.

ARCHLGY 1Introduction to Archaeology (Gateway)5
ARCHLGY 102Archaeological Methods (Intermediate)5
ARCHLGY 103History of Archaeological Thought (Intermediate)5
  Total: 15
Analytical Methods and Skills

Quantitative skills and computing ability are indispensable to archaeologists. To fulfill the analytical methods and skills requirements, students must take one statistics course, and may choose to fulfill the remainder of the unit requirements with a variety of courses on archaeological skills and methods. Archaeological skills include archaeological formation processes, botanical analysis, cartography, ceramic analysis, dating methods, faunal analysis, geographic information systems, geology, geophysics, genetics, osteology, remote sensing, soil chemistry, and statistics. With the approval of the instructor and Archaeology director, undergraduates may fulfill part of this requirement from graduate-level courses (typically courses with catalog numbers of 200 or higher).

15 units must be taken for a letter grade (minimum passing grade of 'B')

To fulfill the analytical methods and skills requirements of the major, students must choose one of the following statistics courses:

PSYCH 10/STATS 60Introduction to Statistical Methods: Precalculus5
ECON 102AIntroduction to Statistical Methods (Postcalculus) for Social Scientists5

To fulfill the remainder of the analytical methods and skills requirements, students will take a minimum of ten units from the following courses:

ARCHLGY 21QEight Great Archaeological Sites in Europe (Sophomore Introsem)3-5
ARCHLGY97ACuratorial Internship1-5
ARCHLGY97BCollections Management Internship1-5
ARCHLGY97CArchival Internship1-5
ARCHLGY97DProvenance Research Internship1-5
ARCHLGY97EPublic Outreach Internship1-5
ARCHLGY 110Environmental Archaeology3-5
ARCHLGY 115The Social Life of Human Bones3-5
ARCHLGY 119Zooarchaeology: An Introduction to Faunal Remains5
ARCHLGY 124Archaeology of Food: Production, Consumption, and Ritual3-5
ARCHLGY 125Archaeological Field Survey Methods3
ARCHLGY 126Archaeobotany3-5
ARCHLGY 134Introduction to Museum Practice (formerly Museum Cultures)3-5
ANTHRO 98CDigital Methods in Archaeology3-5
ANTHRO 130DSpatial Approaches to Social Science3-5
ANTHRO 175Human Skeletal Anatomy5
CLASSICS 115Virtual Italy: Methods for Historical Data Science5
  Total: 10

At least 10 units must be taken for a letter grade (minimum passing grade of 'B')

Topics include archaeological, art-historical, sociocultural, historical, and material culture theory. With the approval of the instructor, undergraduates may fulfill part of this requirement from graduate-level courses (typically courses with catalog numbers of 200 or higher).

ANTHRO 34Animals and Us5
ANTHRO 90BTheory of Cultural and Social Anthropology5
ANTHRO 113Culture and Epigenetics: Towards A Non-Darwinian Synthesis4-5
ARCHLGY 130Senior Research Seminar for Archaeology Majors and Minors3-5
ARCHLGY 151Ten Things: An Archaeology of Design3
ARCHLGY 156Design of Cities3-5

Select from any of the courses listed below. Courses are arranged around a regional or thematic focus, and therefore, may appear more than once. Students have the option of taking courses around a theme or concentration, and are encouraged to do so by consulting with their faculty adviser(s) to design a course plan. Courses other than those on this list can be used to fulfill this requirement with prior approval of the student's faculty adviser and program director. With the approval of the instructor, undergraduates may fulfill part of this requirement from graduate-level courses, typically courses numbered 200 or higher.

20 units must be taken for a letter grade (minimum passing grade of 'B')

World Archaeology: Europe

ARCHLGY 83Pots, People and the Press: Greek Archaeology in the Media3-5
ARCHLGY 128Europe before the Romans3-5
ARCHLGY 118Engineering the Roman Empire4-5
ARCHLGY 145Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Maritime Archaeology of the Ancient Mediterranean3
ARCHLGY 165Roman Gladiators3-5
CLASSICS 52Introduction to Roman Archaeology3-5

World Archaeology: Americas

ARCHLGY 65Looking out from California: North American Prehistoric Archaeology3-5
ARCHLGY 84The Kingdom of Peru3-5
ARCHLGY 102BIncas and their Ancestors: Peruvian Archaeology3-5
ANTHRO 30QThe Big Shift4

World Archaeology: Asia

ARCHLGY 111Emergence of Chinese Civilization from Caves to Palaces3-4
ARCHLGY 135Constructing National History in East Asian Archaeology3-5


ARCHLGY 80Heritage and Human Rights3-5
ARCHLGY 95Monumental Pasts: Cultural Heritage and Politics 
ARCHLGY 135Constructing National History in East Asian Archaeology3-5
ANTHRO 112Public Archaeology: Market Street Chinatown Archaeology Project4-5
ANTHRO 112BAdvanced Study in Public Archaeology2-5

Urbanism and Cities

ANTHRO 112Public Archaeology: Market Street Chinatown Archaeology Project5
ANTHRO 112BAdvanced Study in Public Archaeology2-5
ARCHLGY 156Design of Cities3-5
Archaeological Field School

Students must take part in a Stanford Archaeology Center field project directed by a Stanford faculty member, and enroll in any coursework that is required for participation in the field project. Projects are typically offered during summer months and funding may be provided. Learn more about our field schools

Archaeology Senior Capstone (REQUIRED)

 Complete the following Course:

  • ARCHLGY130 - Senior Research Seminar for Archaeology Majors and Minors

For the class of 2025, students will have three options for their required capstone requirement, all will have to attend a Senior Research Seminar (ARCHLGY 130), and it will be added to the Core Degree Component.

ARCHLGY 130: Senior research seminar for Archaeology majors and minors is offered to students in their final year of study as either a stand-alone course on designing research projects and writing or as a touchpoint for students who are launching the writing phase of their senior projects or honors thesis.

CAPSTONE OPTION 1: Honors Thesis - The honors program in Archaeology gives qualified majors a chance to work closely with faculty on an individual research project culminating in an honors thesis. Students may begin honors research from several starting points, including topics introduced in the core or upper-division courses, independent interests, research on artifacts in Stanford’s collections, or fieldwork experiences.

Interested Archaeology majors of junior standing may apply for admission by submitting an honors application form, including a four to five-page statement of the project, a transcript, and a letter of recommendation from the faculty member supervising the honors thesis to the student services specialist, no later than the end of the fourth week of the spring quarter. Archaeology majors are eligible to apply for honors candidacy. The thesis is due in early May of the senior year. It is read by the candidate’s advisor and a second reader selected by the student or, at the student’s request, appointed by the undergraduate committee. Students will be invited to present at SAC Spring Symposium in May or may arrange to present their research results in another public forum.

Contact the Archaeology Student Services Officer for the honors application form and submit it by the fourth week of spring quarter of your junior year.

CAPSTONE OPTION 2: SUAC Project - Students interested in working on a capstone project with the Stanford University Archaeology Collections (SUAC) can do so individually or as a team. Projects are tailored to the student’s interest within the scope of current initiatives underway at SUAC. Students work with staff at SUAC and Faculty Mentors at SAC. Projects may take various creative forms, such as deep research or materials analysis of a particular artifact, research reports on sites or collections, or the development of a virtual or physical exhibit. Students will be invited to present at SAC Spring Symposium in May or may arrange to present their research results in another public forum.

Contact the Archaeology Student Services Officer for more details.

CAPSTONE OPTION 3: Senior Project - The Senior project is for students who want to design their capstone individually or as part of a team. Students will participate in autumn quarter in Archlgy 130, Senior Research Seminar for Archaeology majors/Minors to explore their ideas and begin developing a project proposal. During winter quarter, students will start and/or continue the research and development of the project. Students will be invited and required to present at SAC Spring Symposium in May or may arrange to present their research results in another public forum.

Research and Independent Study

Students may count up to 5 units of research and independent study toward the Archaeology major:

ARCHLGY 190Archaeology Directed Reading/Independent Study1-5
ARCHLGY 195Independent Study/Research1-5
ARCHLGY 199Honors Independent Study5

Honors Program

The honors program in Archaeology gives qualified majors the chance to work closely with faculty on an individual research project culminating in an honors thesis. Students may begin honors research from several starting points, including topics introduced in the core or upper-division courses, independent interests, research on artifacts in Stanford's collections, or fieldwork experiences.

Junior Archaeology majors may apply for honors by submitting an honors application form by May 1st. 


  • A 4-5 page statement of the project.
  • Unofficial transcript
  • A letter of recommendation from the faculty member supervising the honors thesis.

Archaeology majors are eligible to apply for honors candidacy. The thesis capstone is due in early May of the senior year and is read by the candidate's adviser and a second reader appointed by the undergraduate committee. 

Overseas Studies Courses in Archaeology

For course descriptions and additional offerings, see the listings in the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses website or the Bing Overseas Studies website. Students should consult their department or program's student services office for the applicability of Overseas Studies courses to a major or minor program.