Honors Program
The honors program in Archaeology gives qualified majors the chance to work closely with faculty on an individual research project culminating in an honors thesis. Students may begin honors research from several starting points, including topics introduced in the core or upper-division courses, independent interests, research on artifacts in Stanford's collections, or fieldwork experiences.
Junior Archaeology majors may apply for honors by submitting an honors application form by May 1st*.
*Deadline updated to May 15th
- 3.3 GPA in major.
- Junior classification.
- Apply in Axess and submit the department application.
- Faculty advisor approved before application submission.
- A 4-5 page statement of the project.
- Unofficial transcript.
- Resume or CV (optional).
- A letter of recommendation from the faculty member supervising the honors thesis. If the faculty advisor prefers to submit their letter separately, please provide them with the link to submit their recommendation. We will attach the letter during the review process.
Archaeology majors are eligible to apply for honors candidacy. The thesis capstone is due in early May of the senior year and is read by the candidate's adviser and a second reader appointed by the undergraduate committee.
Bing Honors College
Bing Honors College (BHC) is a two-week program in early September for students actively engaged in researching and drafting their honors thesis. Since its inception in 1993, BHC has pursued the goal of accelerating progress on Honors theses by offering students an uninterrupted block of time during which to focus on their work before the start of autumn classes; providing the close supervision of a Faculty Leader; and fostering a sense of intellectual community among students within and across academic disciplines. BHC will run on-campus in September 2024. Dates, programming, and format are subject to change in response to University and County public health measures.
Eligibility and Application
All students who are accepted into the Stanford Archaeology Center (SAC) honors program are eligible for BHC. SAC traditionally has a small number of honors students and historically has not hosted a participating cohort for BHC, however, SAC students are still eligible to apply.
After contacting BHC, students would be matched with a participating department or program based on their research. In the future, Archaeology hopes to partner with our close, interdisciplinary departments to create a strong cohort that better suits our field of study.