Grace Erny
Grace received her B.A. in Classical Archaeology and Physics from Macalester College in 2011 and her M.A. in Classical Archaeology from the University of Colorado in 2014. After completing her M.A., Grace worked as a field archaeologist in southwest Colorado at the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, a non-profit organization devoted to archaeological research, educational outreach, and partnerships with American Indians. Public archaeology remains important to her.
Grace's research at Stanford focuses on the archaeology of early Greece from the end of the Late Bronze Age through the Archaic period. Major areas of interest include archaeological survey, human-environment interaction, economic inequality, and the relationship between city and countryside in the ancient world. She is an active field archaeologist and has participated in the Omrit Excavations in northern Israel, the ASCSA's excavations at Ancient Corinth, the Basketmaker Communities Project in the American Southwest, the Western Argolid Regional Project in the Peloponnese, the Stelída Naxos Archaeological Project, the Sissi Archaeological Project, the Archaeology of Rural Cyprus project, and the French School of Athens' excavations at Anavlochos in East Crete.