Graduate Student Funding Opportunities
To address the needs of Ph.D. archaeology students whose research and degree progress may need supplemental funding, the Stanford Archaeology Center offers some additional funding opportunities. Ph.D. archaeology students may apply concurrently to multiple components to develop a coherent program of support. This funding is contingent on the continuation of the current annual graduate aid program funding. Final awards will be made after applications are reviewed, subsequent verification of student eligibility, and coordination with students’ home departments to avoid conflict or overlap with departmental funding and internal and external funding awards.
Types of Graduate Student Funding
- Field Research Funding
- Teaching/TA Fellowship
- Dissertation Fellowship
- SUAC Project Assistantship
- Archaeology Conference Support and/or Summer Research Support Funding for Female Aligning Students
Graduate Award for Field Research
Supplemental field research funding addresses critical path dissertation research expenses that are not covered through department funding, internal sources, or external sources of funding. Retroactive reimbursement of already expended funds and conference costs are not eligible.
- All Ph.D. archaeology students are eligible for funding.
- The award amount is based on demonstrated need.
- Supplemental research funding may not exceed $5,000 per year, or $10,000 total throughout the degree program.
- The Stanford Archaeology Center has four application deadlines spread throughout the year to support student field research.
- February 1st at 11:59 p.m. PST.
- May 1st at 11:59 p.m. PST.
- July 1st at 11:59 p.m. PST.
- November 1st at 11:59 p.m. PST.
- Application packets require the following and must be submitted in PDF format via the button below:
- A cover sheet with your name and home department.
- A one-page description of research activities for which funding is requested.
- A one-page, line-item budget detailing what the requested funds will be used towards and the justification.
- A list of other funding sources that were acquired, with budget-specific information for funds requested from other Stanford Departments such as Classics, Anthropology, or EALC.
- You must apply to at least two other non-departmental funding sources or provide a one-paragraph justification explaining why other funding sources were not available.
- A one to two-paragraph email or letter of support from a faculty advisor that specifically addresses this proposal.
- If the faculty advisor prefers to submit their letter separately, please provide them with the link to submit their recommendation. We will attach the letter during the review process.
- For questions or concerns, please contact the Archaeology Student Services Officer.
Teaching/TA Fellowship
The Teaching/TA Fellowship provides one-quarter of graduate aid and allows graduate students to teach or TA an existing course, or design & teach a new course that enhances the Archaeology Major and Minor curriculum.
- Teaching: Ph.D. students who are entering year five or higher.
- TA: Ph.D. students who are entering their second year or higher.
- First-time applicants will be given priority.
- Students can apply for this fellowship up to three times throughout their degree program.
- Applications are due May 1st at 11:59 p.m. CST.
- Application packets require the following and must be submitted in PDF format via the button below:
- A cover sheet with your name and home department.
- The titles and descriptions of two to three proposed courses to teach or TA.
- Course descriptions should be less than 3,000 characters.
- A one to two-page statement about your teaching philosophy.
- CV
- A one to two-paragraph email or letter of support from a faculty advisor that specifically addresses this proposal.
- If the faculty advisor prefers to submit their letter separately, please provide them with the link to submit their recommendation. We will attach the letter during the review process.
- For questions or concerns, please contact the Archaeology Student Services Officer.
Dissertation Fellowship
The Dissertation Fellowship is to support advanced Ph.D. candidates whose dissertations address issues of archaeology and heritage. Applicants may apply for up to two times throughout their degree program.
- Ph.D. candidates entering year six or above who have exhausted departmental funding, and applied for at least two additional sources of fellowship support.
- Special considerations can be taken into consideration for those Ph.D. candidates’ whose degree progress has been impacted by the pandemic.
- Students can apply for this fellowship up to two times throughout their degree program.
- Applications are due May 1st at 11:59 p.m. CST.
- Application packets require the following and must be submitted in PDF format via the button below:
- A cover sheet with your name and home department.
- A 500-1000 word dissertation description.
- A timetable for your degree completion, including a schedule of work and outcomes for the proposed fellowship quarter(s).
- CV
- A one to two-paragraph email or letter of support from a faculty advisor that specifically addresses this proposal.
- If the faculty advisor prefers to submit their letter separately, please provide them with the link to submit their recommendation. We will attach the letter during the review process.
- For questions or concerns, please contact the Archaeology Student Services Officer.
SUAC Project Assistantship
The Stanford University Archaeology Collections (SUAC) is a museum-style collection of over 100,000 archaeological, anthropological, and contemporary folk-art objects from around the world. Through its mission of “connections through collections,” SUAC models best practices in the ethical stewardship of cultural heritage collections and celebrates the power of material culture to bring people together and inspire innovative thinking. Through exhibits (both physical and digital), stand-alone courses, pedagogical partnerships, and research programs, SUAC is an established resource for teaching, research, and public engagement on campus and beyond. SUAC requires the support of one or more graduate research assistants this Autumn Quarter to develop its public outreach program. Candidates should possess strong organizational skills and an interest in archaeology, museum studies, K-12 education, or community engagement.
The research assistant(s) will:
- Review California and national teaching standards.
- Conduct collections research.
- Review scholarship in object-based pedagogy and other related literature.
- Formulate and create K-12 teaching modules.
- Foster relationships with community and descendent groups.
- All Ph.D. archaeology students are eligible for funding.
- Applications are due May 1st at 11:59 p.m. CST.
- Application packets require the following and must be submitted in PDF format via the button below:
- A cover sheet with your name and home department.
- A one-page expression of interest and related experience.
- CV
- A one to two-paragraph email or letter of support from a faculty advisor that specifically addresses this proposal.
- If the faculty advisor prefers to submit their letter separately, please provide them with the link to submit their recommendation. We will attach the letter during the review process.
- For questions or concerns, please contact the Archaeology Student Services Officer.
Archaeology Conference Support and/or Summer Research Support Funding for Female Aligning Students
Supplemental field research funding for female aligning graduate or undergraduate students. This funding helps provide supplemental funding for summer archaeology research expenses that are not covered through department funding, internal sources, or external sources of funding. Retroactive reimbursement of already expended funds and conference costs are not eligible.
- All Stanford archaeology graduate or undergraduate students who are female aligned and conduct archaeological research.
- The award amount is based on demonstrated need.
- The Stanford Archaeology Center has four application deadlines spread throughout the year to support student research.
- February 1st at 11:59 p.m. PST.
- May 1st at 11:59 p.m. PST.
- July 1st at 11:59 p.m. PST.
- November 1st at 11:59 p.m. PST.
- Application packets require the following and must be submitted in PDF format via the button below:
- A cover sheet with your name and home department.
- A one-page description of your research activities for which funding is being requested.
- A one-page, line-item budget detailing what the requested funds will be used towards and the justification.
- List other funding sources that were acquired and provide specific budget information for funds requested from other Stanford Departments, such as Classics, Anthropology, or EALC.
- A one to two-paragraph email or letter of support from a faculty advisor that specifically addresses this proposal.
- If the faculty advisor prefers to submit their letter separately, please provide them with the link to submit their recommendation. We will attach the letter during the review process.
- For questions or concerns, please contact the Archaeology Student Services Officer.